Pastor Travis Greene & Dr. Jackie Greene
Our lead pastors, Travis and Dr. Jackie Greene are on a mission together to engage and redefine culture for God. They moved to Columbia, SC in 2015 in radical obedience to plant Forward City Church. In just a few years, they have seen hundreds receive salvation and baptism. Forward City has recently purchased and renovated the former Best Buy on Two Notch Road. This facility has the largest Indoor Playground in the region and an Arcade just for kids. There is also a state of the art Auditorium for Sunday services and events.
In addition to pastoring, Travis has travelled across the world as a gospel recording artist and speaker. Dr. Jackie leads women into finding their true identity through writing books and hosting multiple ministry platforms – Dig Deep, Permission World, and DRJG Ministries. Travis and Jackie enjoy laughing, music, and the LA Lakers. Together they have three sons, David Jace, Travis Joshua, and Jonathan Judah Willie.